beauty from ashes.

every wrong made right,⁣
every dead situation brought to life,⁣
every hurt healed,⁣
every heart brought back.⁣
never ⁣
just trust Him ⁣
& hold on🌺

it is well with my soul.


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Joshua 10:13-14 (NCV)13 So the sun stood still,    and the moon stopped    until the people defeated their enemies.These words are written in the Book of Jashar.The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and waited to go down for a full day. 14 That has never happened at any time before that day or since. That was the day the Lord listened to a human being. Truly the Lord was fighting for Israel!

This God stopped the sun and moon so the Israelites could defeat the enemy. So when He promises to pull you out of this pit you find yourself in, He doesn’t just promise a mediocre hand that helps you up. Sun’s and moon’s will stop in their places to lift you up. He fights and He defeats. His heart and soul and every part of Earth and Heaven will fight for you if it has to. Fight to win you back. Fight to bring victory. So great is His love for you.


Him, our waymaker. God. Stopping down, stretching out His hand to lift you up.

Him, our miracle worker. Stopping sun’s and moon’s to give you victory. Expect the impossible to make way for every desire of your heart.

Him, our promise-keeper. Never leaving you. Never forsaking you.

Him, our light in the darkness. You light not just out of the darkness but IN the very darkness. Him. Our hope when all hope is lost.


So, rest easy oh soul. He’s got this.



“you know the problem is we live in a world that is constantly feeding us things like “be on the move.” always telling us to do stuff. we’re never still. we reach a point when if we are actually at rest we feel guilty. but the truth is that we are meant to be in a constant state of rest no matter what we do. not worrying. not striving. so when nothing is happening around you, it doesn’t actually mean that nothing is happening it only means that you need to be still and trust. you’re blessed to be at rest because everything is taken care of. i can only tell you this out of experience. you don’t have to strive for anything.”⁣

⁣one of my faves from my church back in Dubai sent me this when i told her my waiting for the next thing to happen and wanting to move on to the next phase in my life after Oxford was leaving me numb and almost emotionless. thanks wifeeee for reminding me that rest is in the NOW. not when i’ve achieved an x number of things or even if i’ve achieved none. the measure to which i can rest is the measure to which i trust. ⁣

fast forward to a month down the line and we’ve brought this testimony to life on the cover of her (very used) Bible!⁣ swipe left to see the final product ⬅️🌹(inspired by one of the @hosannarevival designs)

order your own customised bible here: or click the image above to be redirected to the page.



“Love is large and incredibly patient. Love is gentle and consistently kind to all. It refuses to be jealous when blessing comes to someone else. Love does not brag about one’s achievements nor inflate its own importance. Love does not traffic in shame and disrespect, nor selfishly seek its own honor. Love is not easily irritated or quick to take offense. Love joyfully celebrates honesty and finds no delight in what is wrong. Love is a safe place of shelter, for it never stops believing the best for others. Love never takes failure as defeat, for it never gives up.” 1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:4-7‬ ‭TPT‬‬


order your own customised bible here: or click the image above to be redirected to the page. 



He asks us to dream big⁣
to dream bigger, wilder, and bolder dreams with Him⁣
with Him, the paths we map out for ourselves reach heights beyond our imagination ⁣
with Him, we find ourselves treading on streets of gold⁣
with Him, even the wishes blown long ago, He catches and holds ⁣
with Him, He leads us into a garden of plenty, of promises fulfilled, satisfied, and so much more⁣
with Him, our biggest dreams are just child’s play⁣
He goes above.⁣
He goes beyond.⁣
immeasurably more.⁣


order your own customised bible here: or click the image above to be redirected to the page.