F A I T H, L I F E

The sound of the water is loud; the ocean waves are powerful, but the Lord above is much greater.

Psalm 93:4

The insults, the opinions, the negativity, the bickering, the self-hate, the comparisons, the gossiping, the voices of the internet, the voices in your head, the pinging of your phone.  The sound of the water. Loud. Never-ending. Never considerate. Hardly loving. Your body; high enough to hear and low enough to know that one more tug of this water will result in drowning.

And then there’s the uncontrollable. The situations. The church, the family, the future. All the questions. All the uncertainty. Pulling you left and right. Tossing you from one end to the other. For a few seconds there’s hope as you think your toes graze the bottom of the ocean. But who are you kidding, you’re in the middle of an ocean, not by the shores of a beach. So far gone, there’s no sign of hope. These ocean waves. Relentless. These ocean waves. Powerful.


It’s funny how the author says “the Lord above”. Not behind; waiting at the shore. The shore where you once had your life together and when your righteousness was intact. Not before either; the end of the line. Where it’ll all fall into place. Where it’ll all make sense. Nope. Not behind, not before, but, above! Look above because that is where your help will come from. He has the power to piece your life back together. In the now. He has the power to change your situation. In the now. And He isn’t just above literally. He is above it all spiritually. When this fallen, evil world tosses you around like you’re nothing, keep your eyes fixed on Him. On His outstretched arm. His ever-present help; there all along.

He will silence the waters. He will still the waters.

All you’ve got to do is look up and grab on.

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